Thursday, April 06, 2006

After urut & back to running!

Last Monday went for an "urut" for my much better, can run since after one whole week of no jogging, gotta make up as much as i can now.....well, i must admit, going for these jogs sometimes are kinda boring when you're going on your own, but thankfully for my trusted mp3 player, the boredom is reduced. Have been off for these past 2 days, now feeling much more rested.....will try to jog further this time. Anyway, the way i read back, seems like I'm just crapping bout jogging n my toe...What else is new? haha...oh yeah, the digicam is now officially mine...sis past it to me...too bad no cable, but all i need is a card reader and, Wahlao! problem solved. Ok, time to sweat it out...AndyJoe out!

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