Monday, September 04, 2006

Bus at 730am.....

Ok, it's now 0141hrs and I have to catch a bus down to Singapore at 0730hrs. How the hell am I gonna wake up, God only knows. Probably mummy or daddy to the rescue, that is if they themselves don't oversleep as they're at of this moment, wide awake with me as well. So I'll make this a quick one. Had a good futsal match with my friends at Cheng earlier, and got back at around 1230hrs. Finally cooled down and much more relaxed now. Gotta settle my bank account tomorrow and hopefully, manage to find a place there tomorrow. Will update more once I'm back. Right now, "It's shower time!!!".


The Pondering Introvert said...

bon voyage :(

AndyJoe said...

a day trip only la...can't wait for me to leave eh....

The Pondering Introvert said...

u said it yourself -_-

AndyJoe said...

then why don u say something for urself instead then?